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Level 1

Data Structures

Data comes in many forms, and data structures equally so. But as terrifying as arrays and objects might seem at first glance, they are easy to grasp in reality. Data structures are used in all programming languages (and one could even say in natural languages). The ways they are and can be structured vary from language to language, but usually values are put in lists and lists within lists.

Get a grip on Numbers

Numbers are at the core of programming, not just webprogramming, but all programming. In fact, that computers run on binary code, i.e. zeroes and ones, can be considered common knowledge. But since writing programs in binary is a hell of a job, computer scientists have developed a number of ways to represent numbers.


Get a grip on Strings

Strings are essentially a number of characters glued together. Strings can form words, sentences, URL's; basically anything. One important aspect of strings is that they are arrays, and like arrays they index at zero. Quotes ("") denote strings. The objective is to manipulate strings into doing what you want, by writing a little program.


Get a grip on Arrays

Arrays are lists of data. Some only contain numbers, some contain characters. While strings are arrays, arrays may contain multiple strings. Arrays may even contain multiple arrays! The [] brackets are used to indicate arrays.



Objects are slightly more intricate than arrays, but only slightly so. Whereas arrays are simply lists, objects are lists with keys. These keys are words under which values are files. A quick example would look like this: var captain = {name: "Katherine Janeway"}; One fun aspect of Javascript is that virtually everything is an object.
