Level 0
Level 1


HTML5 allows us to make template elements. A template can best be described as a mold with a fixed layout, which can be repeated multiple times. Instead of putting the content directly in the tags (as we did in our level 000 HTML course), the content and the tags are completely separated. This practice gives much flexibility and endless possibilities.

Get the basics

Learn about the basic ideas behind a template. Don't worry if you don't grasp everything! In the next task you'll see that there are tools available which make the use of templates way easier.


Make a template with Handlebars.js

Luckily there are tools available which make the use of templates a lot easier. When you use Handlebars.js you barely have to mess around with any Javascript.


Make your own template

In this task you will make your very own handlebars web template. As an example there is a template which makes use of JSON data from the New York Times website(find on Plunker).
