You would think one way to share code with your peers and/or friends would be by e-mail. But mailing one's code is a hassle when you have to deal with lots of different files and endless lines of code. Another way is to place these on Github, a website made for and by programmers to store and share code. Github offers two ways to do that. The first is making a repository. More on this will follow later. The second way is Gist, particulary handy for code snippets and a lot easier -though with some limitations.
Go to
Write some simple HTML or CSS into the box on your screen.
Give the file the name 000_Gist_Assignment.html or 000_Gist_Assignment.css.
Notices that the your html/css now has certain words in color.
Log in with Github
Put the HTML or CSS you wrote into the box on the screen
Click "Create public Gist" in the bottom right corner.
Put the link to your gist in our Slack Channel.