Level 0
Level 1


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. When you look at a web page on a web browser you see, at the simplest level, words. HTML instructs a web browser what content to display. In many cases a page also displays images or maybe video clips. HTML defines and separates "content" (words, images, audio, video, and so on) from "presentation" (how to display a specific type of content). HTML uses a pre-defined set of elements to identify content types.


This assignment is meant to introduce you to HTML (surprise!). HTML forms the basis of every webpage today. Therefore it is crucial that you learn it. In this assignment, we want you to explain HTML in your own words.


Basic Structure

HTML works with things called 'tags'. These grant a certain functionality to the content within. Tags are used to achieve clarity and structure within your webpage. Make a basic HTML structure to fit your text in for this assignment.


The Anchor Tag

Linking is a way to reference to other stuff on the internet. You use the 'A' (for 'Anchor') tag for this. Linking creates a so-called hyperlink to another website. You usually link to contextualize the content of your website. Link to a number of URL's with the Anchor tag for this assignment.


The Image Tag

Everybody loves pictures. People include pictures (usually concerning cats) on their webpage to illustrate the content. You can include pictures with the tag. The pictures can be retrieved from the internet, in which you use the hyperlink of the image. They can also be stored locally, in which case you put them in the same folder as your webpage and reference to their name. Include pictures on your webpage with the image tag.
